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Town Hall House, Bovey Tracey
Devon, TQ13 9EQ

01626 833225
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Mon - Fri 9.00 - 17.00
Saturday and Sunday Closed

Why are global stock markets falling? There is a general realisation that lifting the US debt ceiling or striking a deal on Greek debt will not solve the underlying problem facing the world economy. Governments, companies and individuals in developed countries are still very much ‘over borrowed’ and therefore need to continue to ‘tighten their

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Our regular blog update takes a different turn this week as we talk about the professionals that we are able to work with and can help to deliver a first class service to their clients. With the implementation of the retail distribution review in January 2013, Independent Financial Advisers will be required to demonstrate higher

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When advising clients, we are often asked how state pension deferral works. Whilst the state pension is a complex area, we have provided our interpretation of the current rules surrounding this. Under current legislation, the State Pension does not have to be taken at the State Pension age. It can be deferred indefinitely and taken

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Lameys Accountants and Business Recovery and Loughtons Independent Financial Advisers are pleased to confirm their 7th Annual Golf Day in aid of Cancer Research at Stover Golf Course on the 7th July was once again an outstanding success. Whilst the exact final figure is yet to be confirmed, Adam Buck the joint event organiser from

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What alternative investments should we be considering in order to keep the value of our monies intact? Is it too late for gold, what about silver, or oil or any other precious commodity? No one seems too keen on keeping their savings in US Dollars either. So what options could we consider in these interesting

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Financial Advisers and Planners aren’t all the same. Some financial advisers are focused on selling products. In fact their whole business proposition revolves around selling financial products and their route to being paid is to receive commission for the products sold. That has been a common public perception of financial advisers for many years. Unfortunately,

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Loughtons & Lameys are delighted to announce that they will be holding their 7th annual Charity Golf day on Thursday 7th July 2011 at Stover Golf Club. Over the previous 6 years we are pleased to report that we have raised over £24,000 in aid of various charities including Cancer Research who have been the

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The concerns over Greek debt are weighing heavily on the stock market as those in power failed to agree a second bail-out of debt-stricken Greece. As investors, it pays to remind ourselves that stock markets react to sentiment in the short term. In fact they react very quickly and are incredibly sensitive. As Warren Buffett,

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The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has recently publicised its proposed changes to the way that financial advisers must operate from 31st December 2012. The FSA has been working with firms, advisers, consumer groups and industry experts to improve how investment products and services are recommended to potential investors. This process was called the Retail Distribution

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Too often people leave their tax planning to 4th April, which limits their options for keeping hard-earned cash out of the taxman’s clutches. Instead, make this new tax year the year you take control and plan ahead to make sure you make the right choices. Sensible plans Each tax year, there are a number of

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