Following the Brexit vote, Philip Hammond, Chancellor of the Exchequer has sought to reassure British businesses amid uncertainty in the wake of the vote to leave the EU.
He told members at the Conservative Party conference there may be a rocky road ahead.

“We are ready to take whatever steps are necessary to protect this economy from turbulence. And when the process is over, we are ready to provide support to British businesses as they adjust to life outside the EU. Because Brexit does mean Brexit and we are going to make a success of it,” he told the conference on day two.
Hammond told those gathered in Birmingham that a new “flexible and pragmatic” post-Brexit fiscal plan will be laid out in November’s Autumn Statement.
On Sunday (October 2) UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, set out a timetable for starting Brexit negotiations by the end of March, 2017.
But what do I do next?
So what are you and I to make of this when it comes to planning our finances? Well, the world is still turning and one has to ‘go out to bat’, whatever the financial weather. The saying ‘Keep Calm & Carry On’ has never been more apt. Despite the warnings of a period of upheaval, it is important to take a long term view. The instability initially felt has settled down now that the vote has passed, as politicians, investors, businesses and individuals focus on the UK’s future outside of Europe.
So for the sake of good planning and your own sanity, we suggest that you continue with your long-term plans as you would have done had we voted to ‘Remain’ on 23 June 2016. As financial planners, we are truly committed to helping you achieve your financial planning goals.
During any period of uncertainty, expert advice is at its most important. Loughtons can help design a long-term financial plan, providing contact & reassurance at times like these. If you are worried about any aspect of your finances and how the Brexit vote may have affected you, contact us on 01626 833225 or email us at [email protected] to discuss arrange an initial complimentary meeting.
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