Income Drawdown (also known as an unsecured pension) allows you to take income from your pension fund while the fund remains invested and continues to benefit from any fund growth. There is no minimum amount of income that must be drawn, irrespective of age. This means that you may be able to leave your pension
Read MoreYou know the time, when you would rather be doing anything else than attending to those boring financial matters. It’s normal to have a ‘head in the sand’ over matters financial. We all experience this to a lesser or greater extent. However, the chances are if you are reading this blog that you are already
Read MoreWell what can I say when I read a certain news item recently. ‘A collector paid £360 on eBay for a single type of Snowdrop bulb’ The Snowdrop collecting fashion has taken off. Pardon?!! This sounds very familiar, was it only last autumn that I wrote the article on ‘Tulipmania’. Can it be that tulips
Read MoreThis is a common misconception among those people who do not consider themselves wealthy. Sadly, this assumption could lead to a lack in planning a better future for themselves under the supposition that only wealthy people need a financial planner. Financial planning is about helping people achieve their short, medium and long-term financial goals. Many
Read MoreWhen speaking with new clients for the first time, I sometimes hear them say something like ‘Pensions are rubbish’ or similar. This can be an indication as to what level of knowledge that particular client may have with regards to ‘What a pension is’. It can also be an indication of their attitude towards pensions.
Read MoreHave our elected representatives across the developed economies dealt with the credit crisis? Recent market activity would suggest that they have not and have simply delayed the further action that will be required in order to bring some stability to financial markets. In response to this, the impatience of stock markets has shown through recently
Read MoreIn this blog post, we explore how Accountants and Financial Planners, whilst not undertaking the same roles, can help you achieve your financial objectives and goals. If you were asked which one word relates to Accountancy, I should think that ‘Tax’ would be high up on your list. What your Accountant Can Do For You
Read More‘What goes up must come down’. We all remember from our school days Sir Isaac Newton for his famous law of gravity and the picture of the apple falling on his head. Sir Isaac Newton was a genius mathematician who had an input into many aspects of life in this country at the end of
Read MoreIf stock-market investment could ever truly be likened to a rollercoaster ride it would be now as we have recently experienced sharp falls and rises in global stock-markets largely due to investor sentiment as the potential impact of the deepening sovereign debt crisis and worsening economic data is revealed. It is worth reminding ourselves that
Read MoreWhy are global stock markets falling? There is a general realisation that lifting the US debt ceiling or striking a deal on Greek debt will not solve the underlying problem facing the world economy. Governments, companies and individuals in developed countries are still very much ‘over borrowed’ and therefore need to continue to ‘tighten their
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